Facilitator guide books on behavioral Health
Help Clients Manage Mental Health Challenges

Call 1-800-328-9000 to learn more about custom training options.

The Mental and Emotional Health Series for Clients with Clinical Diagnoses is a flexible curriculum that allows effective personalization and optimization for the care you provide your clients who have a clinically diagnosed mental health condition.

Drawing on evidence-based approaches including acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), the complete series includes a comprehensive facilitator guide along with topic-specific workbooks and videos. Grounded in behavioral science and built with strengths-based therapeutic approaches, The Mental and Emotional Health Series for Clients with Clinical Diagnoses encompasses six modules including:

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Depressive Disorders
  • Suicide
  • Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

With a focus on identifying healthy habits and coping strategies, this curriculum helps clients learn techniques and practices for grounding, mindfulness, and assertive communication as well as planning for ongoing support and relapse. Designed to help clients identify, reframe and challenge unhelpful thinking patterns; manage treatment regimens; and practice healthy coping strategies in daily life.

At the end of this training, you will have expert knowledge on how to use the facilitator guide, workbooks and corresponding videos to tailor therapy for all of your clients' individual needs.

Training Objectives

  • Identify key evidence-based behavioral therapies and foundational clinical skills underlying Hazelden's The Mental and Emotional Health Series for Clients with Clinical Diagnoses curriculum
  • Review implementation needs and customizable applications of the curriculum for individuals with moderate to severe mental health conditions
  • Recognize special considerations when using The Mental and Emotional Health Series for Clients with Clinical Diagnoses client workbooks
  • Demonstrate facilitation of the curriculum exercises, discussion topics and videos in individual and group therapy settings

I haven't purchased The Mental and Emotional Health Series for Clients with Clinical Diagnoses. What is it?

The Mental and Emotional Health Series for Clients with Clinical Diagnoses offers you programming flexibility and fidelity as a clinician. Workbook and DVD examples and exercises help clients apply new insights and understandings to their own life experiences, creating meaningful change in practical and lasting ways.

Components include a facilitator guide and six topic-specific workbooks with corresponding videos. Depending on your clinical needs, you can purchase the series as a whole or concentrate on specific areas of focus.

Key concepts integrated throughout the series include:

-Understanding the science behind mental health disorders
-Relating mental health to different areas of life
-Identifying healthy coping strategies
-Challenging unhelpful thinking patterns
-Learning grounding and mindfulness techniques
-Discovering healthy habits to enhance well-being
-Developing assertive communication skills
-Planning for ongoing support

Learn More

Call 1-800-328-9000 to learn more about custom training options.

Thank you for your interest in the Mental and Emotional Health Series program training. Even more, thank you for your commitment to helping your clients manage mental health challenges. To learn more about the training and customization options, please fill out the form and a Hazelden Betty Ford representative will contact you shortly.