Chemically dependent families, like all families, seem to generate a particular system--what we might call a family life-style-that is the unique product of that family's strengths, weaknesses, and general characteristics. Understanding a family system helps explain the action and behavior of the family as a whole, as well as that of each of its members. This is especially true of families who have experienced chemical problems. In chemically dependent families, recurring patterns emerge and seem to have general applicability. Families with chemical problems share similar dynamics, rules, and behavior that both characterize and help to shape their systems. Insight into these three areas should help to explain many of the difficulties a chemically dependent family faces in the recovery process when the family is reaching for a new system, a new life-style.
from Recovery of Chemically Dependent Families
Families with chemical dependency share similar dynamics, rules, and behavior that both characterize and help to shape their systems. Insight into these three areas helps to explain many of the difficulties a chemically dependent family faces in the recovery process when reaching for a new lifestyle.